Thanks to "Tony W" and the other anonymous commenter for popping in! True devotees will remember "Tony W" and his whippets from other references in the company. First prize to whomever guesses it right!
Times are a little squirrelly at the office currently, we're pumping out the Summer "Tracks" Newsletter. Should be labeled and in many of your mailboxes next week. We are also going to make a green option available, if you choose, you can receive your Newsletter electronically. You can let me or anyone at the office know and we'll make that change right quick!
But lets face it, real mail, (that isn't junk), is still a lot of fun to get. So look out for it, Tracks is on it's way.
Aside from office business, I've taken the liberty of refilming a video of Maya doing her leaps, this time she gets a little more air and there's a Tassie cameo.
(Yes, I promise this is the last video of her doing this, I know it's so much greater when it's your dog. Because..It's your dog. But seriously, it's funny.)
Check it out Cru Vin Dogs:
On another note, I'll also post a few baby pictures of Tassie, (pernouced Tazzie, named for the nickname Aussies have for Tazmania.) Because no one else has sent some in and really, because she's a darling.
Tassie's First Day in her new home, hiding under the bench:
Playing with the awesome new toy:
Tassie and me, napping, fantastic!
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