Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer safety tips for your Loyal Companion

Summer is pretty much here. With all that excitement and fun, we need to remember to give our best friend a little extra TLC. So here are a few tips to help make sure your dog has a safe and happy summer:

  •  Never ever leave your dog in a hot car. Even if it's only 80 degrees outside, it can get up to 120 degrees in the car.
  • Dogs can get sunburned, especially ones with short hair or light colored fur. Be sure to limit your dog's exposure to the sun when it is especially hot outside. It never hurts to protect your dog by putting sunscreen on his ears and nose before going out. 
  • If you're going to the ocean or a beach, keep in mind that salt water is bad for your dog's coat. Wash him off after going swimming to avoid damaging his fur.
  • Swimming is great exercise for dogs, but it takes a lot of energy. If your dog is playing in water, keep an eye on him in case he starts to get tired.
  • Heat stroke can be a serious problem -- especially for dogs with short faces like pugs and bulldogs. Keep an eye out for excessive panting, dark or bright red gums and tongue, staggering and other signs of weakness. If your dog starts to suffer from heat stroke, take him to the vet immediately. Use cool water, not ice water, to help him cool down. 
  • Be careful about your dog's paws on asphalt or sand -- it can get very hot and burn your dog's feet. Try to limit walks and runs to the mornings or evenings when it's cooler out.
This is only a partial list. Be sure to be smart, ask your vet about any questions or concerns you have.And have a great summer everyone!

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